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Garden Stone

Big natural flats - local granite, hand-picked pathway stone. Fall, 2020. Handsome walk pieces, 600#-2000# each, about 30 to a trailerload.

Garden Stone

Big natural flats - local granite, hand-picked pathway stone. Fall, 2020. Handsome walk pieces, 600#-2000#...

Stone Steps

Big natural flats - local granite, hand-picked pathway stone. Fall, 2020. Handsome walk pieces, 600#-2000# each, about 30 to a trailerload.

Granite Steps

Big natural flats - local granite, hand-picked pathway stone. Fall, 2020. Handsome walk pieces, 600#-2000#...


Brownstone Steps

East Longmeadow brownstone steps and pillow-top coping, and a few darker Portland brownstone short sills.

Brownstone Steps

East Longmeadow brownstone steps and pillow-top coping, and a few darker Portland brownstone short sills.

Brownstone Steps

East Longmeadow brownstone steps and pillow-top coping, and a few darker Portland brownstone short sills.

Inventory - Grindstones For Garden Ornament

Usually about 2 dozen stones, a few mounted honestones like these, in stock the last 15 years.

Grindstones For Garden Ornament

Usually about 2 dozen stones, a few mounted honestones like these, in stock the last...

High Industrial Age Wheels

About a dozen large, curved-spoke wheels in stock.

High Industrial Age Wheels

About a dozen large, curved-spoke wheels in stock.