Granite steps, including 6 11-footers, recycled from a burned-out
Massachusetts school, 2-21.
Granite steps, including 6 11-footers, recycled from a burned-out
Massachusetts school, 2-21.
Brownstone Lintels
Old hand-carved brownstone lintels, late 1800s, about 8 feet long, very decorative edgers for a patio or terrace.
(Separate with planted pots, put planters on top, several creative options).
Old hand-carved brownstone lintels, late 1800s, about 8 feet long, very decorative edgers for a patio or terrace. (Separate with planted pots, put planters on top, several creative options).
Garden Stone
Big natural flats - local granite, hand-picked pathway stone. Fall, 2020.
Handsome walk pieces, 600#-2000# each, about 30 to a trailerload.
Stone Steps
Big natural flats - local granite, hand-picked pathway stone. Fall, 2020.
Handsome walk pieces, 600#-2000# each, about 30 to a trailerload.